Relationship NOT Religion!
This type of coaching could be especially helpful for the woman who desires to learn more about God or deepen her relationship with Him. As a life-long learner and experienced teacher, I am passionate about helping others read the bible in a new and exciting way. My in-depth studies brought the Bible to life and helped me come to know the One who created and loves me, rather than what rules I should follow to be ‘right’. This relationship is the key to embracing who we truly are and learning to walk in the abundant life of peace, contentment, joy, and love. Spiritually-focused coaching can help you become more centered, experience freedom, and find life purpose.
Some key areas for spiritually focused coaching are:
- Strategies for spiritual growth.
- Gaining a deeper connection through study, meditation, prayer, and community involvement
- Inductive studies and practical application
- Creating a powerful prayer life
- Learning to journal/meditate
- Embrace your true identity